After the Valentine Story

Remember the plastic flower, the homemade card, the bodaboda delivery, the milk like liquor and the Cadbury chocolates? If you do then you probably can tell where we are headed with this, if not maybe you need to revisit ‘The Valentine Story’ for catch up. Well, now that we all are on the same page, we know that the valentine story didn’t close, we were to start the other phase at midnight, in a bar’s bathroom.

Calls have been made, most don’t seem promising, looks like everybody always has an excuse. This has to happen, if it doesn’t this might just be the biggest false start of the 21st century. Help comes though too late for dinner but at least the thought shall count, or so they put it. Here comes the next phase…


Source: pixbay

He walks in, a bit late but not too late, but oh well, late is late, with an excuse of course “The guards held me at the gate for a while, I should have been here on time.” He is in a brown stripped shirt. The buttons are all done, save for the last one at the collar, on a normal day one or two more would be undone but this occasion called for ‘looking the part’. He comes in with a lot of expectation. “This has to be it”, he thinks to himself, it can’t get any better, and just like it was before “Life Happened” the only direction was North, South would mean going back to Egypt. Who wants to cross the Red Sea again yet you can’t be sure of finding Moses at the crossing point, to part the waters?

The first three months are great, not so for him, he feels like he’s only been tickling, but she insists he has been satisfactory, she even mentions moments when he has been better than those who went before. The comparison should anger him but not in the way that she puts it, at least not now that he is holding to insecurities. He just promises self to keep up and even grow better, he knows there is a gap in his performance.

He is now six months in, and reality starts to check in, and it sure does like a sponsor checks into a bar, ready to throw rounds. Signs indicate that he might get through with this, but as it looks it won’t be smooth sailing, there is a battle to be fought. He remembers ‘The First’ in “Thoughts of a lone drinker” once lied that scientists have proven that if you go past this sixth month, you are bound for eternity. (Things people create in their heads when in love, SMH!). This was of course a lie; he actually knows of one whose life changed for worse at the sixth.

He managed to ace the battle at the sixth, but the news at the eighth comes as a shock, she has decided to leave, life has enough, this isn’t one she was willing to take on. She non ashamedly says it in the company of two others. By this time, he wished he’d listened to Reuben Staddurd’s ‘Change Me’ keenly. He’d like to fork out Avant’s ‘4 Minutes’ but even that can’t save the situation, he is already at half of four. He is in love alone.

It’s three and a half months of ‘loneness‘, take note of ‘loneness’ and not loneliness, because all seems to be working fine, and if anything this is a moment of shine for him. Then they try a ‘make up’, it seems forced but he chooses to give it a try, only to realize it is worse than the first. No matter how hard he tries, the sins of the past remain a ghost, when it falls at half of four again, he figures out it is time, and this time he isn’t willing to let them walk out on him again, he has to act first and fast.

Tomorrow is yet another valentine’s day, in less than a week, he walks out….

Then life happens…

It’s a good year, if anything anyone that might have wished love and beauty during the New Year festivities must have done it right. It was a year characterized by new, beautiful, flowery and joy. New relationships, career advancement, new friends, financial breakthrough, it seemed like everything was falling into place, then life happened…

She walks in and one would swear she was the one, her eyes spoke of the future, her smiles swallowed all the pain the past came with. She was everything a man would look for, an intelligent trophy that was pleasant to not only look at but also listen to. Her company was everything, the rest were thrown to the periphery, then life happened…

She was the epitome of convenience, a beauty with the voice of a beast, her name was actually ‘The Beastly Beauty’. She drove and rode fine, got everyone where they needed to be. Her needs were always first on the budget list, everything else could wait. She was protective and protective in a good way, she protected from potential injuries enough times, then life happened…

It’s all fun and play, a night out every so often, road trips every once in a while. Known to many attendants, his parking and sitting spots were reserved. He was the ‘mzito’ in a lean body. Everyone wanted to be associated with him, at least he looked like he’d pass for ‘Money Bags’, he threw rounds and was ever sufficiently philanthropic, then life happened…

Stars don’t shine brighter than he did, he was a darling to almost all. Everyone loved what he did, diligent and always willing to go beyond call of duty. Nobody would have imagined a task without him. He was the savior and in him you’d be sure God Manifests Himself through human beings. A promotion here, a counter offer there, the only way to go was North, South was slowly fading off his vocabulary, then life happened…

He was of good health, if anything he hadn’t used his Medical Insurance for the two and a half years he had been there. He couldn’t remember the last time he needed to request for sick leave. He had a permanent phrase in his morning prayer; “Thank you God for good health”. Hospitals were buildings he stared at while waiting for traffic to move, then life happened…

…she got up one day and said she was fed up, no solid reason, she just wanted out, all she said sounded like excuses, it made no sense at all. Life had happened!

… in her quest to always drive fine she called for a fist fight, she was doing well, didn’t look like anyone was about to beat her, or maybe they just let her win, which she never did, she drove straight into a ditch. Life had happened!

… fun and play turned into a problem, it just bordered addiction, money had to be dug from unthinkable sources to maintain the status. Rounds slowly turned into empty fridges and hungry nights. Company started disappearing into thin air. Life had happened!

…the star started dimming, the sky started clouding, concentration was lost, even judgement was clouded at this point. Everything he set his hands on turned worthless, he couldn’t understand it, a star couldn’t just fall so suddenly. Excellent performance turned into disciplinary cases. Life had happened!

…the doctor sat across the desk, he needed a next of kin. The news wasn’t pleasant. Life had happened!

When Life happens, you have to keep going, because you can’t separate life from being. It happens and happens at the most unexpected moments. Just when you think you have it figured out, you realize humility is actually a virtue. You have to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel, once in a while you will come across the light bulb in the middle of the tunnel, but you have to hold on to hope because life happens…